Facebook tips/tricks:-Auto Reply to Messages when busy,Shortcut keys,Login using a Temporary password and more

Social media once was considered a platform meant only for teenagers,looking for friendship or relationships,but in these years social media has completely revolutionized itself,Facebook has created a great platform for the advertisers and brands,to reach the targeted users,Today with this post we are bringing up some of the amazing facebook tips,trick that will definitely help you carrying out new experiments with your facebook profile and helping you bringing up more out of facebook.
1)Send Auto Replies to Messages:-AutoRelaxed a website that lets us set auto replies for our Facebook,twitter interactions,Once you connect your social account with ‘AutoRelaxed’,it will auto reply to your messages within 20 Min,using a predefined text as set by you,To begin using ‘AutoRelaxed’ just head to the website and click on facebook,connect your account and choose a reply message,once activated,’AutoRelaxed’ will handle all your interactions when you are busy.
2)Facebook shortcut key list:-Browse facebook faster and instantly ,using these key board shortcut keys,the keys will differ according to the browser you are using,these shortcut keys will let you perform any function on facebook like liking someone’s status,posting a new status update,opening attachments,sending new messages,searching etc,To open the shortcut key popup just hit ? button while browsing facebook,you will see a popup with the keys for your respective browser,below are the keys for Firefox browser,click on image to enlarge it.

3)Login to your Facebook account using a Temporary password:-If you feel unsafe entering your Facebook password in public places like library or cafes etc,you can request a temporary password to login to your facebook account,This password can be used one time only and will remain valid for 20 Minutes,To request this you need to send an sms from the number linked to your facebook profile,upon sending this,you will get an 8 digit ‘OTP’ which can be used for logging in to your profile,send the sms as follows,type otp and send it to 51555 or 9232232665.
example:-otp to 51555
4)Delete all the Messages at once:-Delete all your facebook messages at once,no need to select each and every message manually and then delete them,You can delete all your facebook messages at once using a chrome extension,just install this extension and login to your facebook account,open up your inbox,and click on the extension icon from top right,Click confirm and get all your chat history cleared at once.
5)Delete all the timeline updates:-Clean up all your timeline updates from facebook,using this chrome extension,to use it just install it from the link shown above,after installing up the extension,goto your profile and click Activity log,then click on the extension icon from the top right,click launch and the extension will initiate the deletion process.
6)Sending a blank message,comment,status:-Give your friends Blank comments,Send empty messages or update blank status,to do this just goto the message/comment or status box and paste this send/update @[0:] and done,paste this as exact ,no need for any space or text.(This will work only with facebook mobile site m.facebook.com)
7)Disable comments on facebook pages:-Their is no official method to disable all the comments on your facebook page But you can do this using a simple trick,Just goto facebook page > settings ,then in general click on Page moderation,and paste the following keywords under the moderation box,now all the comments containing those keyword will get hidden from the page and will only be visible to commenter and his friends.
Hope you will enjoy all the awesome tricks and tips listed above and make more out of your facebook profile,more tricks will be added up in this section in upcoming days.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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